「いよいよ X-Day」パート(4) 動き出した…全貌が明らかに!
The Marshall Report
マーシャル レポート
january 20, 2021 the marshall report
D.C. is fenced off and the President is never going back to the White House. But not for reasons you may be thinking.
2021年1月20日 マーシャル・レポート
Fear not, there will be a new capitol built and an end to income taxes paid to the tax collectors of the Corporation that is now in the hands of a new administration. They went to all the trouble to steal a corporation whose assetts are in the process of being seized. Most did not see this coming for they did not even know their nation was a Corporation. But, it is indeed but now, no more are the states subject to it. Please read on to understand the nature of the battle we are in.
恐れることはない、新しいキャピトルが建設され、新政権の手の中にある法人の徴税人に支払われた所得税に終止符が打たれることになるだろう。彼らは、そのassetsが押収されている過程である法人を盗むためにすべてのトラブルに行ってきました。 ほとんどは、彼らも自分たちの国が法人であることを知らなかったので、これが来るのを見ていませんでした。しかし、それは確かにありますが、今では、これ以上の州はそれに従うことはありません。我々の戦いの本質を理解するために読んでください。
Meet the thieves in the light of day. So proudly they claim what is not theirs to take…or is it?
In 1871 a sedious act was performed by the Government. A coup was made to rewrite the constitution and put WE THE PEOPLE in all capitols, under a new corporate contract transferring the United States of America into the new Corporation of the United States of America which transferred the power of We The People and the constitution over to the new corporation. When they did that, it placed the citizens in the United States as property of the Corporation which was centered in Washington D.C.. This action made Washington D.C. a FOREIGN ENTITY on American soil of sovereign states. It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred into a city-state, and this corporate entity then ruled over the people. Citizens rights were taken from them in this process. No one realized this.
1871年にsedious act was performed by the Government. クーデターは憲法を書き換えるために行われ、すべての議事堂にWE THE PEOPLEを置くために、新しい法人契約の下で、アメリカ合衆国を新しいアメリカ合衆国法人に移行させました。彼らがそれを行った時、合衆国の市民はワシントンD.C.を中心とした会社の所有物として扱われました。 この行為により、ワシントンD.C.は主権国家のアメリカ国内のFOREIGN ENTITITYとなりました。ワシントンD.C.が都市国家に移行されたときにバチカンからの借款によって設立され、この企業体は、その後、国民を支配しました。この過程で市民の権利が奪われました。誰もこのことに気づいていなかった。
When they did the broker deal to get the loan from the Vatican, they did so via the Bank of London. At that time, they transferred all the property in D.C. Columbia over to the Corporate entity of D.C. a foreign corporation. (See BACK STORY below in this article).
バチカンから融資を受けるための ブローカー取引をした時 ロンドン銀行を経由していた その時、彼らはコロンビアの全財産を外国法人であるD.C.のコーポレート・エンティティに譲渡した。この記事の下のBACK STORYを参照)。
The forming of this corporation in D.C. is of major importance to understand, for when President Trump signed an executive order in 2018 on Election Interference/Fraud for entities both foreign and domestic, it outlined how assetts would be seized. The President and the people knew and had the proof that a coup transpired out of the Corporation of the United States of America along with other foreign nations and was ignored by the Corporation in D.C.. They continued with their illegal steal, and the military is now in the process of seizing the assets of this foreign country known as THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It appears that President Trump’s executive order was actually directed at the Washington D.C. corporate swamp/cabal all along. D.C. is now walled in and filled with military guard.
D.C.のこの法人の形成は、トランプ大統領が2018年に国内外のエンティティのための選挙干渉/不正に関する執行命令に署名したとき、それはassettsが押収される方法を概説したため、理解することが重要です。 大統領と人々は知っていたし、クーデターが他の外国と一緒にアメリカ合衆国の法人のうちから蒸散し、D.C.の法人によって無視されたという証拠を持っていました。彼らは、彼らの違法な盗みを続け、軍は、米国法人として知られているこの外国の資産を差し押さえようとしています。 トランプ大統領の行政命令は、実際には、ワシントンD.C.の企業の沼/キャバルに向けられていたように見えます。 ワシントンD.C.は、現在、壁に囲まれ、軍の警備員で満たされています。
President Donald J. Trump has moved out permenantly for he cannot be president over a Sovereign Nation in a Foreign land, which is what the White House and Capitol are. President Trump was voted in by We The People. Not the Corporation.
ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領は、ホワイトハウスとキャピトルが何であるか、外国の土地で主権国家の上に大統領になることができないために、パーメンタリーに移動しました。 トランプ大統領は、我々国民によって投票されました。企業ではありません。
After Donald J. Trump exits the White House, D.C. will be locked down because it will not be possible for a foreign ruler to rule over a sovereign country, therefore, the foreign ruler must be locked out. In this case, that would be this new administration.
Amid personal turmoil, libel lawyer Lin Wood goes on the attack for Trump
Now you see what is meant by Lin Wood’s shouts that we are in the second revolution.
We are literally watching the reclaiming of the United States of America. What this means for We The People is many things. One of them is no more IRS. Watch and see how this plays out. It is a genius move. God is in charge of this nation and is now leading his elect to restore this great nation called by his name.
私たちは文字通り アメリカ合衆国の再生を見ています これが我々国民に何を意味するかというと、多くのことがあります。そのうちの一つは、これ以上のIRSではありません。これがどのように再生されるかを見てください。それは天才的な動きです。 神はこの国の責任者であり、彼の名によって呼ばれるこの偉大な国を回復するために、彼の選民を導いているのです
The City of London (that is the square mile within Greater London) is not technically part of Greater London or England, just as Vatican City is not part of Rome or Italy. Likewise, Washington DC is not part of the United States that it controls. These three entities have one goal and that is to do away with the old world order of sovereign nations and usher in a new global world order under one government rule under the iron fist of the cabal.
These sovereign, corporate entities have their own laws and their own identities.They also have their own flags. Seen below is the flag of Washington DC. Note the three stars, representing the trinity of these three city-states, also known as the Empire of the City. (There is also high esoteric significance to the number 3.)
The government of the United States, Canada and Britain are all subsidiaries of the crown, as is the Federal Reserve in the U.S.. The ruling Monarch in England is also subordinate to the Crown. The global financial and legal system is controlled from the City of London by the Crown.
The square mile making up the center of Greater London is the global seat of power, at least at the visible level.
Washington DC was established as a city-state in 1871 with the passage of the Act of 1871, which officially established the United States as a corporation under the rule of Washington, which itself is subservient to the City of London.
Corporations are run by presidents, which is why we call the person perceived to hold the highest seat of power in the land “the president.”
The fact is the president is nothing more than a figurehead for the central bankers and transnational corporations (both of which themselves are controlled by High Ecclesiastic Freemasonry) that really control this country and ultimately call the shots.
Washington DC operates under a system of Roman Law and outside of the limitations established by the U.S. Constitution.The Unholy Trinity of Globalist Control: The Vatican, The City of London & Washington D.C. – (
ワシントンDCはローマ法のシステムの下で、米国憲法によって確立された制限の外で動作します。バチカン、ロンドン市国、ワシントンD.C. – (
The Papal States are the territories on the East Coast of the former United States under the sovereign direct rule of the pope, from the fall of the United States around the turn of the twentieth century to the present. The Papal States are one of the regional powers of the Chesapeake Bay, controlling the city of Washington, as well as much of the surrounding area. Several towns, baronies, and other holdings outside Washington are also held by the pope, creating an intricate network of holdings which pay tribute directly to the pope.
The Papal States were born out of the former United States, viewed by the modern world as an ancient empire and continent spawning government. Following a violent coup in Washington, the Papal States were established by Chester Hale Fitzgerald, built on the beliefs of a new religion, which would later become Unionism. The Pope claims however that his power originates from the American Empire, which supposedly granted the first pope complete power over the empire via the Donation of Lincoln, a forged American imperial decree. The document has since been used in support of claims of political authority by the papacy. Know your history…read more here:
教皇国は、古代の帝国と大陸が産み出した政府として現代世界から見て、旧アメリカ合衆国から生まれました。ワシントンでの激しいクーデターの後、教皇庁はチェスター・ヘイル・フィッツジェラルドによって設立され、後にユニオニズムとなる新宗教の信念に基づいて建てられました。教皇は、教皇の権力はアメリカ帝国に由来すると主張していますが、アメリカ帝国は、最初の教皇に帝国に対する完全な権力を与えたとされています。この文書は、それ以来、ローマ教皇庁による政治的権威の主張をサポートするために使用されています。 あなたの歴史を知っている…続きを読む:
So how are these three cities ultimately connected? We must first go back to the Knights Templar and their initial 200-year reign of power. You see this in the flag of the City of London. Read about the flags of all Foreign entities here:
In Conclusion: The Corporation called Washington D.C. is now a foreign entity on American soil of sovereign states. It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred into a city state and this corporate entity. It is now under seige for interferring with the elections of We The People of the United States along with the Vatican and the other foreign nations who interfered, such as Germany, Italy, China, et al. They are now an enemy of the state and their assets shall be seized. Our miltary has already been taking down the giant as we have witnessed while all eyes were set on the voter fraud.
結論として ワシントンD.C.と呼ばれる法人は、現在、主権国家のアメリカの土壌上にある外国の事業体です。それは、D.C.が都市国家とこの企業体に転送されたときに、バチカンからの融資によって設立されました。 それは、バチカンと、それを妨害したドイツ、イタリア、中国などの他の外国の国々と共に、私たちアメリカ合衆国の人々の選挙を妨害したことで、今、包囲されています。すべての目が有権者の不正行為に向けられている間に、我々が目撃しているように、我々のミルタリーはすでに巨人を取り押さえている。
The word is in a shake down….
Who is this attending the inauguration at the Corporation of the United States of No States?
And look at Gaga inside the Apotheosis (raising to the ranks of a God) Capitol Dome. Do you really believe the founding fathers would have authorized the Greek and Roman gods to be painted on the dome of the rotunda? Do you believe they would have Artemis’s goddess of freedom on its’ dome? Do you think George Washington would have wanted a statue of him posing as Baphomet in the capitol dome raising him to the ranks of a god? ALL ANSWERS ARE NO!
The entire corporate capitol grounds have been laid out by secret societies in the shape of a pentagram that honors the god they follow, that of Baal sacrifices of children. Sad, but so very true. All that is hidden shall be revealed.
そして、アポテオーシス(神への昇格)キャピトルドームの中にいるガガを見てください。あなたは、建国の父達が、ギリシャとローマの神々がロタンダのドームに描かれることを許可したと、本当に信じていますか?彼らが自由の女神アルテミスをドームに飾ることを許可したと思いますか?ジョージ・ワシントンは、バフォメットの振りをした彼の像を議事堂のドームに設置して、彼を神の地位に引き上げることを望んでいたと思いますか? 全ての答えはノーです。
アメリカ第一の安全を守る義務は決して終わらない ポンペオ
So be patient and remember what Trump has said, THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
And for those who think this is a bunch of bull crap, to you I quote the famous line from the epic film, Gone With The Wind….. “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn!”
そして、これが戯言だと思っている人のために、壮大な映画「風と共に去りぬ」….. の有名なセリフを引用しておきましょう。”率直に言って、私の親愛なる人よ、私は気にしない!”
Why don’t the naysayers google xxxx..and see the corporations new website! It takes you to it.
なぜ否定派は . xxxxxxでググって 企業の新しいサイトを見ないの?それはあなたをそれに連れて行きます。
May God speed be with each one of you as this storm blows through, and may each be kept safe in Father God’s mighty hands as he performs his work, a marvelous work!
Dianne Marshall
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Kerry Franks says: I am praying that they quickly clean out ALL the satanic pedophile slaughter ring. I just saw the huge file on the adrenochrome production company working out of closed military bases.
January 20, 2021 at 10:33 pm Reply
and it was just a basic skim of the surface, so I appreciate more information. Learning of this puts the entire tenure of President Trump in perspective. God and Prayers will see this through to completion for freedom for all. Bless you, Shalom.
2021年1月20日 10:33 pm 返信
January 20, 2021 at 10:37 pm Reply
Melissa S. says: God speed, peace and prayers.
I wonder if our driver license and any new birth certificates will be in both upper and lower case? Not just CAPS.
2021年1月20日 10:37 PM 返信
January 20, 2021 at 10:55 pm Reply
Rock Knutne says: As much as I’d like to believe in this, the very first story link I clicked on to verify some of this was the story of the arrests in Italy.
Are we to believe that arrests made over 13 months ago, Dec. 19, 2019 are somehow relevant to what just took place?
I’m hopeful but I’m at the trust but verify stage.
2021年1月20日 10:55 pm 返信
January 20, 2021 at 11:08 pm Reply
The Marshall Report says: No and yes. You are to see the history, this all didn’t just happen this week. And yes, some arrests were made in 2019 and even as far back as 2017. It was actually in 2017 when the Queen took us off the Common Law and released us from our admirality law and the Virginia Corporation which held the United States of America. Before that the colonies were under the East Indies Corporation. Later a the corporation made a new agreement, etc. So we had our constitution and bill of rights in name only, but were always under common law, not the natural law the founding fathers designed. Our courts were corrupt. That allowed cases to supercede our rights. That was never fair or the consitutional law. But once a presidence was set, it was what they used as a decision maker. Even if the outcome was not just. We have had freedom, but never our real freedom and we are about to declare it. It was also in 2017 that the Pope understood the situation and Mnuchin was able to get the monies stolen from the corporation back that is why they slowly were going broke. They wanted rid of Trump right along with all involved. Trump has been battling a fight that only God could lead him through.
2021年1月20日 11:08 PM 返信
マーシャルレポートによると “いいえ” と “はい あなたは歴史を見ることになります、これはすべて今週だけではありませんでした。そして、はい、いくつかの逮捕者は2019年に行われ、さらにははるか昔の2017年にも行われました。それは実際に2017年に女王が私たちをコモンローから外して、私たちの提督法とアメリカ合衆国を保持していたバージニア・コーポレーションから解放した時でした。その前に植民地は東インド諸島法人の下にありました。後に東インド諸島法人が新たな協定を結んだ だから、私たちは名前だけで憲法と権利章典を持っていましたが、常にコモン・ローの下にありました。私たちの裁判所は腐敗していました。法廷は腐敗していました。それは、私たちの権利を優先させました。それは決して公正ではなかったし、 憲法でもなかった。しかし、いったん大統領が設定されると、それは彼らが意思決定者として使用したものでした。たとえ結果が公正ではなかったとしても 私たちは自由を手に入れたことはあっても、本当の自由を手に入れたことはなく、今まさに宣言しようとしています。それはまた、2017年にローマ法王が状況を理解し、ムニューチンが企業から盗まれたお金を取り戻すことができたのは、彼らがゆっくりと破産していた理由です。彼らは、すべての関係者と一緒に右のトランプを取り除くことを望んでいた。トランプ氏は、唯一の神が彼を介して彼を導くことができる戦いを戦ってきました。
January 21, 2021 at 12:07 am Reply
The Marshall Report says: We never signed on for income taxes, we didn’t vote to go off the gold standard, etc. The corporation in DC got so bold decreeing things they didn’t care because they stole our power. Trump and the military are taking it back and ridding us of the tyrants that have dominated us, stolen from us and enslaved us on a hampster wheel raising prices, taxes and forbidding us to barter.
2021年1月21日 12:07 AM 返信
マーシャルレポートによると 私たちは所得税にサインしなかったし、金本位制からの脱却にも投票しなかった。DCの企業は、私たちの権力を奪ったので、気にしないようなことを強気に宣言してしまった。トランプ氏と軍部はそれを取り戻し、私たちを支配し、私たちから盗み、価格や税金を引き上げ、物々交換を禁じたハンパな車輪の上で私たちを奴隷にしてきた暴君から私たちを追い出そうとしているのだ。
January 21, 2021 at 12:28 am
The Marshall Report says: The central banks signed off on a blank check to Mnuchin. And he used it.
2021年1月21日 12:28 am
マーシャルレポートによると 中央銀行はムニューチンへの白紙小切手に署名した そして彼はそれを使った。
January 21, 2021 at 12:31 am
John Mann says: BTW, WHO reported an hour after the fake inauguration the PCR tests artificially boosted the positive and false positives of Covid-19. I know most of us already knew this. The PCA tests have always been RNA tests, not DAN tests. I understand Covid-19 has not even been isolated to a DNA identification. I also heard recently the CIA was raided and one of the finings was Covid-19 was definitely a Chinese bioweapon but was accidently released in China. It was supposed to be exported before release.
2021年1月21日 12:31 am
ジョン・マンは言う。BTW、WHOは、偽の就任式の1時間後にPCRテストが人為的にCovid-19の陽性と偽陽性を押し上げたことを報告した。私は、私たちのほとんどがすでにこれを知っていたことを知っています。PCA検査は常にRNA検査であり、DAN検査ではない。コビド19はDNAから分離されていないと理解している また、最近CIAが家宅捜索を受けたと聞きましたが、罰金の一つはコビド19は間違いなく中国の生物兵器でしたが、誤って中国で放出されたとのことでした。リリース前に輸出されるはずだったそうです。
January 20, 2021 at 11:10 pm Reply
Jeff says: I’ve studied sovereignty for years and how to become a sovereign “a real man on the land”. You are right on point. A lot of the keys are in commerce and the Uniform Commercial Code – something I believe Pres. Donald Trump is very familiar with. I know what it’s like to know this stuff and then try to explain it to the naive, and they think your crazy. For, example what the gold fringe flag represents – Admiralty maritime. The 10 square miles, as mentioned in the CONSTITUTION as the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA and that it gets its extention to the states through maritime. I bet you they would really think we were crazy if we told them that the numbers the police have on their badges are actually bond numbers of a bond taken out on them and registered with Dun and Bradstreet. Not to mention our birth certificates traded as securites, that all titles are colorable and that we really do not own/or hold legal title to anything. That our money is fiat and is actually a debt note. I can go on and on. I can agree with you 100% on all points. What the non believers need to do, is do their own research, and quit relying on everyone else to do it for them. Then aftrr thry understand they might be more inclined to believe in themselves and discern between illusion and real After all, in order to be a true sovereign you must be able to manage any and all of your own affairs independently and not rely on a government to do it for you. I think that’s kinda how we got lead down this path to socialism to being with. We all have a mind of our own – now use it!
2021年1月20日 11:10 PM返信
January 20, 2021 at 11:11 pm Reply
Stacey Doyel says: Jeff…where does one go to legitimately find source material on this to educate themselves? I am sincerely interested and appreciated your feedback. Thanks in advance for any direction you can provide.
2021年1月20日 11:11 PM 返信
January 20, 2021 at 11:55 pm Reply
tampaguy123 says: jordan maxwell on youtube talks a lot about maritime law and these subjects
2021年1月20日 11:55 pm 返信
January 21, 2021 at 12:30 am
The Marshall Report says: Exactly on all, and especially fiat money – it means nothing backed by air. So they can print it all day long. Trump is taking us out of that fake system that enslaves us and gives them our real property and putting the nations on the gold standard. Trump was genius (and Pompeo and military) to devise the plan to get all the majority of nations on board first then go to the Queen and the Vatican to end the corporation. The Queen has left the castle, and the Pope has left the building….so to speak. The vatican was raided and the proof on all of them is ghastly. But more shall be revealed and all who doubted will be sickened when they see what they have done and are doing. Only those who partake will not be shocked. Anyone with an ounce of any humanity will be horrified.
2021年1月21日 12:30 am
マーシャル・レポートによると その通りです。特に不換紙幣は空気に裏付けられた何の意味もありません。だから彼らは一日中それを印刷することができます。トランプ氏は、私たちを奴隷にし、彼らに私たちの本当の財産を与え、金本位制に国家を置くその偽物システムから私たちを取り出しています。トランプ氏は、(そしてポンペオと軍部は)最初にボード上のすべての国の大多数を取得するために計画を考案する天才だったし、その後、女王と企業を終了させるためにバチカンに行く。女王は城を出て、法王は建物を出て….so。バチカンが襲撃され、その証拠に全ての証拠は恐ろしいものでした。しかし、さらに多くのことが明らかにされ、疑っていた人たちは、彼らが何をしたのか、何をしているのかを見たときに病んでしまうだろう。それを受けた者だけがショックを受けることはありません。少しでも人間性のある者は誰でも恐ろしくなるだろう。
January 21, 2021 at 12:01 am Reply
Mark W says: You are absolutely right sir… thank you!!
2021年1月21日 12:01 AM 返信
January 21, 2021 at 1:06 am Reply
John Harbert says: So happy to hear that the Great United States may have a chance to survive!! Donald John Trump was a God send!!! Our best President ever!!!
2021年1月21日 1:06 AM 返信
ジョン・ハーバートは言う。偉大なるアメリカが生き残るチャンスを持っているかもしれないと聞いて、とても嬉しいです!ドナルド・ジョン・トランプは神の使いでした ドナルド-ジョン-トランプは神の贈り物だった! 史上最高の大統領です
January 20, 2021 at 11:13 pm Reply
Ruth Berg says: Very good article–thank you for posting, and I shared it several times. Now I finally understand the DC concept and history.
2021年1月20日 11:13 PM 返信
January 20, 2021 at 11:17 pm Reply
Abe says: I mean I dunno maybe Trump used the gold fringed flags cuz the guys is a guuady con man? He has a gold toilet his name is in gold on his buildings his books etc. I studied this years ago it’s old and falls apart once vetted . So what’s the new date? What happens when they open the indictments on Donnie? Why ain’t there any videos of this? It always falls apart when you start to look at it objectively and rationally. There is never any evidence.
2021年1月20日 11:17 PM 返信
安倍さんが言うには、トランプ氏が金のフリンジ旗を使ったのかどうかは分からないが、彼は詐欺師だから、金のフリンジ旗を使ったのだろう。彼は金のトイレを持っていて、彼の名前は彼の建物や本などに金で書かれています。私は何年も前にこれを研究しましたが、それは古いもので、一度調査されるとバラバラになります。新しい日付は?ドニーの起訴が始まったら?なぜビデオはないのか?客観的に合理的に見ると いつもバラバラになる 何の証拠もない。
January 21, 2021 at 1:23 am Reply
H says: Please help me in Burke, VA been gang stalked, CIA Organized Stalking by the CIA and deepstate for over 10 years now.
Please expose CIA Organized Gang Stalking
Hope good things are arriving for humans, cause who the fucking hell ever conceives of human trafficking and all this weird shit, these fools are gonna feel pain in Avici Hell realms.
What a bunch of psychotic, deeply dellusional fools
2021年1月21日 1:23 am 返信
人間に良いことがやってくるといいな 人身売買などとは誰が考えたことがあるのか 愚か者どもはアビシ地獄の世界で 苦痛を感じるだろうな
January 20, 2021 at 11:42 pm Reply
Monica says: That asian guy is not CCP it’s the badge from US Secret Services.Guys, c’mon make a research first before you write all this nonsense
2021年1月20日 11:42 pm 返信
January 20, 2021 at 11:44 pm Reply
kneelb4zod says: No it isn’t. Take your advice and research.
2021年1月20日 11:44 pm 返信
January 21, 2021 at 12:30 am Reply
H says: Better hope any of this is true or any genuine good returns to the human race. But first humans must be grounded and use common sense again, stop believing in fictional characters and start being humble and following Buddhist beliefs.
Ultimately we are to blame for our stupidity but the evil psychos that hold power over us shoulder the most karmic debt for what they have done. Even a slight amount of deception and half truths from them guarantee they descend to the lower hellish realms of punishment, let alone think about the bloodshed they caused.
Either they are really Nagas, Reptilians or they are really really, really stupid, more stupid that I originally thought
Also please expose CIA Organized Gang Stalking
2021年1月21日 12:30 am 返信
January 20, 2021 at 11:46 pm Reply
Kenneth Cauley says: Its not true. Biden walked right into the white house with no problem. Its over and now more then ever i am seeing the presidency and government is just a show and they are all puppets chosen a head of time and our votes don’t matter because even if most every American votes for someone if its not who the puppet masters want then they will just rig the election and ignore all the proof and facts of fraud. Biden is only a puppet. The higher ups are pulling the strings. The same people in control of the media and big tech. That’s who is really running America. Todays was nothing but a big show
2021年1月20日 11:46 pm 返信
ケネス・コーリーは言う: それは真実ではありません。バイデンは何の問題もなくホワイトハウスに入ってきました。それが終わって、今まで以上に私が見ているのは、大統領職と政府はただのショーであり、彼らはすべての時間の先頭に選ばれた操り人形であり、私たちの投票は重要ではありません。バイデンは操り人形にすぎない。上層部が糸を引いている。メディアとハイテクを 支配してるのは同じ人たち それがアメリカを動かしてる 今日はただの大げさなショーだった
January 20, 2021 at 11:55 pm Reply
Marla DeLatte says: Oh what an awesome article. You are right, this is the way it has to be! As much as I was hoping arrest were going to happen today, I wasn’t confident in the outcome. A real civil war would have a reality. But this makes perfect sense in so many ways. Thank you so much for this article and the hope it brings. A true revolution!
2021年1月20日 11:55 pm 返信
January 21, 2021 at 12:04 am Reply
Gregory Johnson says: Glad l came across this site. Gives me hope after the day we have been through.
2021年1月21日 12:04 AM 返信
January 21, 2021 at 12:10 am Reply
Steve says: Thanks
2021年1月21日 12:10 am 返信
January 21, 2021 at 12:20 am Reply
Akironman1776 says: I believe this as fact but this has been the reality we have lived in and unless the military overthrows the current administration then we will be stuck in the mess.
2021年1月21日 12:20 am 返信
Akironman1776さんのコメント: 私はこれを事実として信じていますが、これは私たちが生きてきた現実であり、軍が現政権を打倒しない限り、私たちは混乱の中で立ち往生することになるでしょう。
January 21, 2021 at 12:39 am Reply
The Marshall Report says:
2021年1月21日 12:39 AM 返信
January 21, 2021 at 12:43 am Reply
Mike says: Seems doors aren’t opening well for a owo.
2021年1月21日 12:43 am 返信
マイクが言う。扉が開いていないように見える owoのためにうまく。
January 21, 2021 at 12:47 am Reply
Eddie Carr says: Excellent article, it certainly clears up a lot of the questions I had.
2021年1月21日 12:47 am 返信
January 21, 2021 at 12:47 am Reply
Catherine Hart says: Thank you so much for helping me to learn and understand all of this and the video above has been a eye opener. I wanted to watch the video again but now it says: Video unavailable…this video contains content from UMG, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds?? So unfortunate to not be able to watch again there’s so much to learn and to KNOW. Want to find it to learn more. This is unbelievable. Deep stuff to pray about. So grateful to have found this. Thank you.
キャサリン・ハートは言います。このすべてのことを学び、理解するために私を助けてくれてありがとうございます。私はもう一度ビデオを見たかったのですが、今、それは言う。Video unavailable…this video contains content from UMG, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds? このビデオにはUMGのコンテンツが含まれていますが、誰があなたの国の著作権の理由でそれをブロックしているのでしょうか?もっと学ぶためにそれを見つけたい。これは信じられない。祈るには深いものがあります。これに出会えたことに感謝しています。ありがとうございます